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Dorfstrasse 13 · 6340 Baar
Phone 041 761 62 10


Implants - the innovative solution

Implantology is the most innovative answer to lost teeth. It offers reliable and aesthetic solutions. Our implants are made of titanium. As the body accepts titanium just as bodily tissue, allergic reactions have not been reported so far.

Being an outpatient intervention, executed under either local or general anaesthesia, once healed, the titanium implant serves as a perfectly stable basis for new teeth. Implants substitute single missing teeth or greater gaps. They work just as an artificial dental root and sustain coronas, bridges or protheses. Implant-supported teeth look just as your own. New teeth are adapted in colour and chape to the natural environment.

The advantages speak for themselves: high wearing comfort, unlimited mastication function and natural sensing of taste.

Hours of operation

Zahnimplantate, Implantologie, Implantate
Mon. 8:00 - 15:30
Tue. 8:00 - 15:30
Wed. 8:00 - 15:30
Thu. 8:00 - 15:30
Fri. 8:00 - 15:30
Durchgehend geöffnet, TERMINE NUR TELEFONISCH